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War is not the answer: Mail-Aktion an Bush, Blair, Annan

Liebe Friedensfreundinnen und Friedensfreunde,

es ist allerhöchste Zeit! Keine 5 Minuten mehr vor der Militärinvasion gegen Irak. Dabei gibt es nicht nur die Alternativen Krieg oder einfach weiter die Duldung der Diktatur Saddam Husseins. Religiöse Führer der USA haben einen Plan für eine dritte Alternative vorgelegt und diesen gemeinsam mit britischen Kollegen mit Tony Blair besprochen. Jim Wallis, Exekutivdirektor der christlichen Lebensgemeinschaft “Sojourners” (etwa: “Pilger, Fremdlinge”), die seit den 70er Jahren in einem der ärmsten und gewaltträchtigsten Stadtteile von Washington, D.C., leben und arbeiten, möchte die Vision nun mit uns teilen. Gleichzeitig hat “Sojourners” eine Email-Aktion an Präsident Bush, Premierminister Blair und UN-Generalsekretär Annan gestartet. Ich bitte Euch, die nachfolgenden Zeilen zu lesen und Euch möglichst an der Aktion zu beteiligen.

Michael Schmid

We are at a critical moment in time. A real possibility exists to prevent war on Iraq. However, in one week it could be too late.

If you have ever wanted to take action, the time is now.

High school and college students across the country are boycotting school and shouting, “Books not Bombs.” Hundreds of thousands of Americans have gathered in New York, San Francisco, Washington, DC and other major cities declaring, “War is Not the Answer!” England witnessed the largest march in its history as more than one million people pleaded, “Don?t Attack Iraq!”

Germany, France, China, and Russia openly oppose war without U.N. support, and Great Britain could change course.

Now, for the first time, a clear and compelling third alternative has emerged. Following an hour-long meeting of U.S. church leaders with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, led by Sojourners’ executive director Jim Wallis, we have outlined a six-point plan that details a more effective way to remove Saddam Hussein from power without killing innocent people.

Jim shared this vision with Tony Blair and now shares it with you.

Please take a few minutes to read the complete six-point plan
and e-mail it from our Web site to President Bush, Prime Minister Blair, and Secretary General Annan. You will then have the opportunity to send this same e-mail alert to others.

Sojourners implores you to contact as many people as you know.

We urge you to:
1. Read the plan at http://www.sojo.net/action ;
2. Send it to your family, friends, teachers, pastors, denominations, and others;
3. Encourage them to do the same;
4. Write or call local newspapers, radio and television stations, and politicians and tell them about this new alternative to war; 5. Lift up this effort in your prayers.

The more people that hear about this third alternative, the greater the chance that war might be averted.

Please go to http://www.sojo.net/action today! 

Veröffentlicht am

07. März 2003

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